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​​Sandra and I have been talking and beginning to see a vision for our future.  We believe that we should be in France.  We recently spent three weeks in France and we were perhaps more objective than ever before of the spiritual void in that country.  I won’t go into details on the spiritual condition of France, at least not at this time, but suffice it to say, the country is in a dire situation (economically and spiritually bankrupt). Marseille, the second largest city in France is located on the Mediterranean.  Approximately 1,620,000 inhabitants in metropolitan Marseille.  Marseille is a doorway to Africa and has a huge Muslim population as well as many nationalities and of course a majority of unbelieving, unchurched French.  Over the years I have often thought of this area and have been invited several times to work there.  I believe that we could put 15 full time missionaries (Bethany grads) on the ground for full time work.   Sandra and I believe that God is raising up a team of full time workers for the city of Marseille, France.  We currently have five families and three single missionary interns that are actively seeking God for marching orders to go and serve Him in Marseille.​

We will be ministering with Matt and Christy Rasch of Every Nations Campus Ministries.  They are a young dynamic family with fresh ideas and energy to reach not only the south of France but into North Africa and beyond.  Bethany will launch its Global Internship program next fall in Marseille. We hope to have ten or more students finishing their fourth year of the B. A. degree with Bethany College of Missions.





​Pray for France


- Evangelical Christian believers account for only .8% of the population. Pakistan and Saudi Arabia (1.5% and .9%) have more Evangelicals per capita.

- Church attendance is one of the lowest in Europe (6-8%, compare that to the USA's 44%).

- 80% of French people have never owned or even seen a Bible.


Call us:

33 0789483771

Find us: 

249 Ave. de Montolivet, 13012 Marseille, France


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